With only taking time out for Air Corps service in WWII, Bill Eimers has a complete Idaho career. Born in Grangeville and graduating from high school there in 1940 he entered the University of Idaho and after two years entered the WW II action.
Eimers returned to Idaho in 1946 and during those years played basketball for the Vandals. He received his BS in 1946 and MS in 1949. He started his teaching and coaching career at Lewiston in 1949 and after two years taught at the University of Idaho and was an assistant in basketball. He took over as coach and teacher at Grangeville in 1952 and kept this position until 1960 when he was named Principal. He served in this capacity until 1975 and then was named Superintendent.
Bill served in this capacity until his retirement in 1984. His career is highlighted by serving for 15 years on the IHSAA board of directors and twice as president. He is a past president of the Idaho Coaches Association and served as president of the Principals Association. Eimers has served on many educational committees and held many offices including President of District II Principals Association.
He was named to the IHSAA Hall of Fame, served as National Vandal Booster president, Lions club president and a member of the Elks and Shrine. With his wife, Maxine, they have four sons, Bill Jr., Phillip, Jake and J. Paul, all graduates of the University of Idaho.